Friday, January 21, 2011

catfish day 3

I thought this was a pretty weird story. And I'm still not really sure why Angela did all of this. I think she is a bit of a freak and I was pretty surprised that her husband had no clue this whole time. I find it kind of hard to believe that Vince didn't know anything this whole time he couldn't find anything wrong with the two phones or that she sent over 1500 text messages and thought there was absolutely nothing wrong with all of that. I think that Angela is crazy for keeping up with all of these profiles and with everything in her life with her kids her painting and everything, and again I'm still confused as to why she would do this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

catfish day 2

I am pretty confused as to why this lady is doing all this stuff to nev... why would she go to all the trouble to trick nev and his friends into thinking that she is the one painting and she is megan and everything.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i think that this is a good movie, i am a little confused as to why he didn't just ask all the questions he had? he had a ton of questions when he went out of town and then he didn't even ask them. he did ask about the song but he didn't really get a answer. Another thing is why does he continue to go through with this if he knows that something is wrong with the whole situation? he said that its becoming more of a chore than anything and that he doesn't even want to be filmed anymore. I know that it wouldn't be a movie if he did that but i don't understand his thinking when he doesn't do that. But i think that he is going to go to Michigan and figure out that all these people are real and that he just made a mistake about all of this and it is all going to work out in the end.